My school has become my Memory Palace

My School is now my Memory Palace

My school is now my Memory Palace! Since I need it the most to remember my lessons, I can just walk into Math class for example, and I can picture my Math teacher teaching the subject in the class, and I will remember it!

But recently I modified it a bit. Well, my school is a boarding school and the main room in my Memory Palace is my bedroom in dorm, so I decided to make a flying fox from my dorm to my school’s main field, so it’s easier and faster to access every place, and I can skip the part when I’m running from my dorm to my school.

FYI, I turned my headmaster’s room into a playground, since I decided that I can’t store memories there since I’m too afraid to get in there in real life!


Comments for My school has become my Memory Palace

Use whatever works!
by: Ken

I love the fact that you’ve used something you’re so familiar with to create a Memory Palace. That really works! And you’ve linked things sensibly and rationally, e.g. math lessons with the math class. Always go for the things that make most sense.

And turning your headmaster’s room into a playground is inspired! What might have been a bit daunting before is now a place of fun and relaxation. And this won’t stay just in your imagination, it will affect the way you see things in future.

You can use this kind of mental re-jigging of reality to take the sting out of all kinds of things. For example, picturing spiders as funny little creatures that have a nice, easy going personality is a great way to start to be less afraid of spiders. And as you know, spiders are, for the most part, harmless creatures and far more likely to avoid human contact than to intentionally cause us any harm. And visualising yourself chatting to interesting people and having fun in an elevator can make riding the elevator seem a lot less stressful in real life.

Same goes for travelling by aircraft, public speaking, and lots of other potentially stressful things. Just think of ways to imagine situations where the troublesome person or event is actually fun, or interesting, or ridiculous and you’re half way to overcoming your fears.

Your thoughts really do influence the way you respond to things. And that’s far more important than the things themselves … the way you respond to them. That’s what you have control of, it’s worth remembering that.


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